Behavioral Neuroscience Master Degree With a Thesis Program

Academic Unit Presenting the ProgramBehavioral Neuroscience
Program Director
Program TypeMaster Degree With a Thesis Program
Level of Degree Earned
Degree Earned
Education TypeTam Zamanlı
Registration Acceptance Conditions
Recognition of Prior Learning
Degree Requirements and Rules to take a minimum of 7 courses with a minimum of 21 local credits.
to succeed in all the courses with a letter grade of at least CC/S
to prepare and defend a master's dissertation
to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.00/4.00 with a minimum of 120 ECTS credits.
Program Profile
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Access To Upper Degree
Exams, Assessment and Grading
Graduation Requirements
Teaching Methods

Program Outcomes

1-Ability to learn the effects of environmental factors on our behaviors
2-Ability to relate biological processes and behavior
3-Learning the factors that play a role in the apperance and control of behaviors
4-Ability to learn the interaction of endocrine system and nervous of hormone systems on behavior and cognition
5-Ability to learn principles of genetics and the possible effects of genes on our behavior
6-Ability to learn the chemical mediated disease effect and the psychopharmacology of medicines that were used in treatment
7-Ability to understand behavior patterns of animals and the factors affecting them
8-Ability to acquire theoretical knowledge about cognitive and behavioral therapies and practice
9-Ability to learn neuroanatomical structure and functions of limbic system and the effects of the limbic system on our behaviors
10-Ability to understanding and learning the basic concepts of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
11-Ability to learn autism etiology and the types of terapy applied in autism
12-Ability to acquire knowledge about learning, learnin psychology and effective neurobiological factors on learning
13-Ability to learn general, biochemical and anatomical features of psychiatric disorders
14-Abilitiy to obtain up-to-date information that can be developed as a result of damage to the central nervous system
15-Imaging of central and peripheral nervous system anomalies and pathologies
16-Ability to learn general, biochemical and clinical features of nevre tissue
17-Ability to acquire theoretical knowledge about electrophysiology techniques used in nervous system research and practice
18-Ability to learn the pathophysiology of nerve system damage
19-The ability to learn the concept of intelligence and the effects on our behavior


Behavioral Neuroscience


2023-2024 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
DNBYL102 Behavioral Biological Foundations 2 6 5
DNBYL104 Genetic Foundations of Behavior 2 2 5
LÜ SBE 04 Special Topics 8 0 10
Elective 2023-2024 Güz Davranış Nörobilimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Seçmeli Dersleri() 25
DNBYL110 Behavior and Environment 2 2 5
LÜ SBE 03 Biostatistics 3 0 5
DNBYL108 Development of Bio-Electro-Mechanical Devices 2 2 5
DNBYL106 Limbic System 2 2 5
DNBYL109 Normal and Abnormal Behavior 2 2 5
DNBYL111 Psychobiology of the Learning 2 2 5
Elective 2023-2024 Güz Davranış Nörobilimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Üniversite Genel Seçmeli Dersleri() 25
DNBYL109 Normal and Abnormal Behavior 2 2 5
Total ECTS: 70

2023-2024 Spring Term
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
Elective 2023-2024 Bahar Davranış Nörobilimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans Üniversite Genel Seçmeli Dersleri() 25
DNBYL109 Normal and Abnormal Behavior 2 2 5
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses TOTAL 5 ECTS from Elective(Over All University and From Other Department) 5
GEN 504 Biochemistry and Metabolic Diseases(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
ENG GEN 504 Biochemistry and Metabolic Disorders(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
BIK 524 Biochemistry of Vitamins and Minerals(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-TBiy(YL)) 3 0 5
ENG GEN 510 Cancer Biology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
GEN 510 Cancer Biology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
ENG GEN 507 Cell Biology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
GEN 507 Cell Biology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
PRF 110 Circulatory Support System sand Heart-Lung Transplant(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Perfüzyon) 2 2 5
TBIYL123 Current Approaches in Cancer Treatment(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Tü.Biçİm.) 2 0 5
BESYL122 Current Issues in Training Science(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Bed.Eği.Sp.) 3 0 5
KVF 116 Digestive Physiology and Metabolism(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Kard.Fiz.) 2 0 5
TOXKBRN111 Environmental Health and Toxicology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-KBRN) 3 0 5
KHE 116 Health Promotion and Health Education(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 1 5
TAN 511 Light Microscopic Technics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Anat.) 1 2 5
TMYL115 Molecular Microbiology(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Tıb.Mikro.) 3 0 5
CERH128 Nasocomial Infections and Control of Nasocomial Infections(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Cer.Has.Hem) 3 0 5
DAHYL125 Oncology Nursing(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-İ.H.E.) 3 0 5
KNFYL119 Polysomnography and Sleep disorders(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Klinik Nörofizyoloji) 2 2 5
BESYL150 Research Methods Used in Health Sciences(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-BeDi) 2 2 5
FTYL122 Residue and Public Health(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Ve.Far.Tok.) 3 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
Total ECTS(Year): 100

2023-2024 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
LÜ SBE 04 Special Topics 8 0 10
SBE TEZ 01 Thesis Proposal 1 0 5
SBE TEZ 02 Thesis Work 1 0 15
SBE TEZ 03 Thesis Writing 1 0 5
Total ECTS: 35

2023-2024 Spring Term
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
LÜ SBE 04 Special Topics 8 0 10
SBE TEZ 01 Thesis Proposal 1 0 5
SBE TEZ 02 Thesis Work 1 0 15
Total ECTS: 30
Total ECTS(Year): 65

Matrix of Course - Program Outcomes

DNBYL102 Behavioral Biological Foundations
DNBYL104 Genetic Foundations of Behavior
LÜ SBE 03 Biostatistics
DNBYL108 Development of Bio-Electro-Mechanical Devices
SBE TEZ 01 Thesis Proposal
SBE TEZ 02 Thesis Work
SBE TEZ 03 Thesis Writing
SBE TEZ 01 Thesis Proposal
SBE TEZ 02 Thesis Work