Student Clubs

Our university places great importance on physical and psychological development of our students and employees, and on those learning, cultural and sports experiences which help improve their condition. In this respect, our university has organized a great number of classes and clubs which offer free of charge educational, cultural, and sports activities. The aim of the Health, Culture, and Sports Department at Namık Kemal University, which is in charge of student club activities, is to sustain the physical and mental health of our students and personnel, help them spend their free time in accordance with their hobbies, introduce them to new activities, give them the opportunity to improve their talents and character in a healthy manner through a number of facilities, and finally, in addition to recreation and entertainment, assist them in acquiring the habit of working together with discipline and responsibility. Under the supervision of our instructors and trainers with expertise in their respective areas, students and staff are encouraged to become members of different clubs and to attend various classes which are organized according to their requests and preferences, and are provided free of charge in our cultural and sports educational centres.

Nowadays, some 60 clubs have been founded by our students, which represent an integral part of the organization of different scientific, cultural, artistic, and sports activities in order to enrich the students’ free time and increase the number of social and cultural opportunities. Students aiming to improve themselves outside the established curriculum may apply to become members of these clubs at the beginning of the academic year or later, during the academic year, at their convenience.

Apart from these clubs, for the benefit of both students and staff, a number of free of charge classes related to some 25 different domains have been organized.

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