National Qualifications Framework

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is an integrated system of guidelines and principles formally recording the credits assigned to each level of learning in order to ensure that the learnt knowledge and acquired competences are recognized primarily on national level and, subsequently, internationally.

NQF therefore renders the qualifications for a national education system with regard to the acquiring of knowledge and building up competences as well as the ability to apply such knowledge and competences in practice, particularly, career paths.

In this respect, NQF, among other things, (1) encourages life-long learning; (2) prompts a single, integrated national context for learning achievements; (3) provides equal access to education and employment opportunities; (4) facilitates mobility; and (5) strengthens the quality of education and training.

In this way, the National Qualifications Framework contributes to the enhancement of personal development of each student/learner as well as the social, cultural, and economic development of a nation in general.