Key Learning Outcomes

1-To analyze, register and report the data using the knowledge and skills acquired in the area of public finance.
2-To be knowledgeable about Atatürk’s principles and Revolution History.
3-To define and analyze the facts and problems by developing a thought system and offer solutions based on proofs.
4-To evaluate the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the area of public finance critically and apply them in the vocational area, to determine and fulfill the education requirements.
5-To gain ability to use information and communication technologies used in the vocational area.
6-To gain competence of carrying on a basic level study independently, which is related to public finance.
7-To gain life-long learning skill
8-To gain the ability of using institutional and applied knowledge acquired vocationally in an area of degree or associate degree level.
9-To gain the competence of taking responsibility both individually and as a team member to solve the intricate problems which are confronted in the applications related to public finance and which are unpredictable.
10-To have enough awareness of the universality of the social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values together with occupational health and safety.
11-To have enough competence of expressing thoughts both written and orally based on the knowledge and skills acquired related to the subjects on public finance.
12-To have social, cultural, scientific and ethical values during the data gathering, application and result announcement processes.
13-To have the necessary institutional and applied knowledge supported by contemporary knowledge upon public finance.
14-To know at least one foreign language on a level adequate in the area to follow the improvements and to communicate with colleagues.
15-To lead the activities related to the improvement of the personnel in whom s/he is charge of within the frame of a project.
16-To share solution offers and thoughts about the occupation with the people who are experts and who are not.