Mechanical Illustration And Construction (E.P.) Associate Degree Program

Academic Unit Presenting the ProgramMechanical Illustration And Construction (E.P.)
Program Director.
Program TypeAssociate Degree Program
Level of Degree Earned Associate Degree
Degree Earned When there are graduated with a degree in Mechanical Drawing And Construction. Is the title of Technician.
Education Type     Tam Zamanlı 
Registration Acceptance ConditionsThose who have successfully completed their secondary education are eligible.
Recognition of Prior LearningThe process of recognition of prior education by Turkish higher education institutions is still in its incipient stage. Likewise, the recognition of prior education has neither been started nor implemented by all departments at Namik Kemal University. However, a proficiency exam is held at the beginning of each academic year regarding the compulsory Foreign Language Course which is to be offered in the curriculum of all departments. The students who have embarked on a self-learning period or acquired necessary skills in the course are eligible to enter this exam. Those who have successfully passed the exam are eligible not to take the course.
Degree Requirements and Rules The students studying in this undergraduate program are required to have a Cumulative Grade Points Average (Cum.GPA) of not less than 2.00/4.00 and have completed all the courses with at least a letter grade of DD/S in the program in order to graduate. The minimum number of ECTS credits required for graduation is 120. It is also mandatory for the students to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.
Program Profile
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Access To Upper Degree
Exams, Assessment and Grading

Students will take a minimum of one midterm examination. In addition to midterms, they will be assigned projects and homeworks whose deadlines will be specified at the beginning of the semester. At the end of each semester, the students are required to take a final examination. The course content, the requirements (midterm, project, assignment and final examination) and their contribution to the final grade is specified on the website. Student regulations and  the final examination dates are determined by the university and final examinations take place as announced. The students are graded according to their midterm, project, assignment and final examination results.

The passing grade at Namık Kemal University is 60 out of 100. However, the grade of the final examination or the retake should be a minimum of 50. Exams are evaluated on a scale of 100. The final grade of a course is the sum total of %30 of the midterm grade and %70 of the final or the retake examination grades. However, the calculation of the final grade of a course can be determined and announced as mentioned in the syllabus at the beginning of the semester by the Faculty/College Council as the sum total of ranging between %30 – %50 of the midterm examination and %50 – %70 of the final examination as long as the addition equals to a scale of 100. As a result of the calculation, if the value after the decimal is less than five, the grade is finalized by lowering it to the decimal value; if more than five, upgrading it to the next decimal value.


Final and retake grades are submitted to the Student Affairs along with the evaluation criteria. The grades are announced on the student information system.





The grading system to evaluate the student performance is signified by the values in the chart below. For each course students are graded by letters. Letter grades, coefficients and ratios are as follows:



Letter Grade




































Students are required to retake the courses from which they received DD, FD or FF during the first oncoming semester in which these courses are offered.

Successful Students

Students who complete their associate or undergraduate degree with a grade point average of 3.00 – 3.49 graduate as honor students; 3.50 and above as high honor students. 

Graduation Requirements
Teaching Methods

Teaching methods are determined so as to improve skills, such as teaching-learning strategies, self-discipline, life-long learning, observation, sharing knowledge, presentation, critical thinking, teamwork, effective use of informatics.

Moreover, the choice of teaching methods pays heed to supporting students with different skills. The teaching methods used in the program are listed below*: 





Listening and interpretation

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector

Discussion Course

Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling, critical thinking, question development

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector

Special Support / Structural Examples

Special skills planned beforehand


Playing a Role / Drama

Special skills planned beforehand

Standard classroom technologies, special equipment

Problem Solving

Special skills planned beforehand


Case Study

Special skills planned beforehand



Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling, critical thinking, question development, team work

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector

Small Group Discussion

Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling, critical thinking, question development

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector


Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling

Real or virtual environment suitable for observation


Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling, informatics skills

Real or virtual environment suitable for observation


Research – lifelong learning, writing, reading, informatics, listening and interpretation, management skills

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector, special equipment

Group Study

Research – lifelong learning, writing, reading, informatics, critical thinking, question development, management skills, team work


Field / Land Study

Observation / situation handling, research – lifelong learning, writing, reading



Observation/situation handling, informatics, management skills, team work

Special equipment


Research – lifelong learning, writing, reading, Informatics

Internet database, library database, e-mail

Oral Exam



Survey and Questionnaire Study

Research – lifelong learning, writing, reading



Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector, special equipment

Guest Speaker

Listening and interpretation, observation/situation handling

Standard classroom technologies, multimedia devices, projector, computer, overhead projector, special equipment

Student Club Activity / Projects

Observation/situation handling, critical thinking, question development, team work, research – lifelong learning, writing, reading, management skills, special skills planned beforehand


*One or more of the listed methods can be used depending on the specificity of the course. 

Program Outcomes

1-To have the knowledge and skills in an area founded on the qualification gained in the general or vocational secondary education and supported by secondary school level courses and by the application tools and equipments and to demonstrate he understands the basic concepts in this area
2-To demonstrate he can be able to learn independently and to be able to apply he learn in mechanical drawing and construction field
3-To demonstrate he gains the ability of defining problems and seeking solutions related with unforeseen situations in the studies related with mechanical drawing and construction
4-To have the knowledge and awareness of job security, workers health and environmental protection in the issues which are in the area of mechanical drawing and construction
5-To have the knowledge and awareness of social responsibility, ethical values and social security rights in the issues which are in the area of mechanical drawing and construction
6-To identify the data which is necessary to solve the problems that are well defined in the area of mechanical drawing and construction technology, to practice the skills called usage and collection effectively; to demonstrate that he can be able to use manual or /and intellectual skills and theoretical knowledge which are necessary in practical applications
7-To be able to explain clearly the design and applications in mechanical drawing and construction field to his colleagues, superiors, and people and groups he serves and to be able to make team work
8-To evaluate the performances of the ones who are employed under his responsibility objectively, and to control them
9-To be able to use the software and the hardware that his profession requires (“European Computer Driving Licence, Basic Level) with the knowledge of basic computer use
10-To have the knowledge of sufficient level of foreign language ("European Language Portfolio Global Scale", Level A2)


Mechanical Illustration And Construction (E.P.)

Total ECTS: 0

Matrix of Course - Program Outcomes